Monday, February 27, 2012

Decluttering: key to knowing your stuff

How often do you run around the house looking for one specific thing and can't find it to save your life?  I have and often wade through all sorts of space-sucking stuff to find it.  Not to mention the time and frustration wasted when a part of your mind is saying, "if you had put it away in the proper place, you wouldn't be in this mess or late for work."  Yeah, but who has the time to schedule when they are going to clean, organize and get rid of junk that's just taking up room?

That's what I love about this calendar!  It is a pre-scheduled decluttering calendar for 2012 breaking up the overwhelming task of major organizing and cleaning into bite sized chunks.  There are even scheduled days off!  It's a practical concrete way of simplifying and destressing one's living space and mind.

Once you know what you actually have from removing excess useless stuff it will be:
a) easier to find it
b) easier to stay organized and
c) most if not all the good things about simplifying one's life including being environmentally friendly, less stressed, have more time etc.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The wonderful world of infographics!

I been reading A LOT of wonderful thought-provoking and inspirational posts from a number of green, simple and sustainable blogs as of late.  So much so I haven't had much time to actually blog myself!  The one thing that has stuck out to me and I always take the time to read are infographics.

I LOVE infographics!  I am a very visual person and I like how infographics use both words AND graphics to educate people.  It's actually quite impressive how MUCH information the posters actually contain too!  In 2-3 minutes you can learn the basics of, well, any topic really.  Not only that, the posters often have cool tidbits and connections with very applicable every day things.  I focus on the green sustainable end of the spectrum and have stumbled on quite a few recently that I want to share.

The first collection of infographics I read were compiled by Paul at  He even has a tab just for the infographics he shares on his site.  The latest one is about Biofuel.  There are also infographics about shark conservation, how much water is wasted in your home, and wind power.

Today I found one about what's in trash shared by Enviro Products by New Wave's Facebook page.  That led me to gold at the end of the rainbow:!!  I'm a kid in a metaphorical candy shop.  I'm going to start sharing the treasures I find here because, well, infographics are a lot more fun to read than paragraphs rattling on about the numbers, percentages and facts :-)

Why I love infographics:
  • visually appealing
  • easy to read
  • chalk full of relevant facts
  • great for a quick read and education
  • VERY accessible to kids and busy adults alike
  • easy to share with people
The only thing I find annoying sometimes is the slight bias I find on occasion.

Anybody know of other must see/read infographics or infographic sites?  I would love to add them!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Simple Living pledge...

Wow it's February already so it's time for the Simple Living Pledge!  Since I'm swamped with work(s) and who best to properly introduce the idea but the person behind the inspiration, I will link to Kanestrand's blog: Simple Living Step 1.  Lovely blog with lots of information about living sustainably, green and simple!


Till we meet again, anon.